Sunday, January 12, 2014


Joy Is the Daughter of Calm.
Peace is the impetus that Calm arrives on, Opening the Way for Her Daughter to bring us into Celebration surrounded by the Presence of UnconditionaLove...
Regenerating all that They touch and enter.

My Soul is Full... My Spirit is at Rest.... I focus on magnifying the name of my Lord!
down deep, where the water is sweetest, is where you will find me...

As I sit in the midst of these Spiritual transitions, watching the Spiritual Shifting that is part of His process... I relax so that my focus and thinking are on what truthfully matters the most;
God Is In the details...
correcting mistakes, revealing to me the lessons I need to learn & apply, ironing out the wrinkles, straightening out what is crooked, lifting up of the Valley, lowering of the mountains and hills, making smooth what is rough, testing the metal, providing Preparation, removing who can't stay, adding who is to be with us, healing what is broken, sick and ill, delivering me from here to there, moving me from being uncomfortable to comfortable.
Healing my insecurities, repairing the breaches, emptying me of all that is in His way, clarifying what is cloudy and blurred.  
Loving me and Treating me Right!

 What He has prepared for me, is Done.  Now, is the part where I am again being prepared to Get to what He has prepared for me.
Spiritual promotion requires Spiritual preparations.

Quietly, content in my trusting, bold and confident in my faith, remembering all the truth He has taught me, this is Another day that I surrender it all....
I asked for this, and He is providing what I asked for. 
As I Wait... I praise Him. I encourage myself. (and any others going this way)

My Father, in the name of Jesus, if You are not in it, if it is Not of You, I don't want Any thing do to with it! If you are Not in it, I am not in it!
I am not willing to be involved in lifeless empty works that do not have Your anointing.
I do not want to feed any desires that are not from you.
Thank you for removing any desires I have that are not Your desires for me.
 Thank You for aligning me to adhere closer to You.
 I am confident that How you led me is the best for me.
I require Your details, Your plans, Your Ways made through, Your outcome to every issue, trouble, situation, and problem.
I require Your blessing and approval.
I require You my Mother-Father God!
I am fully convinced that You are More than Able to do And Will do, what You Promised me, I am expecting You completely!
May I represent Your Will here on earth.
In the name of my Lord Jesus, So Be It!

Letting my Lord have His Way.... and Staying in the flow of His Spirit....God in the Details... His Process..... Regenerating and Rearranging certain aspects of my life and in my actual existence, all for His desire to make sure that I am as effective in the natural and in the spiritual to accomplish His will.
 It's growing and maturing time for the Fruit.

There are many moments during spiritual warfare, where Wisdom directs spiritual maturity to speak out against the tools of the enemy. Depending on what you do, these are also times when you find out just how much you have spiritually and emotionally grown and matured, or not.
The enemy loves to enter through our feelings/emotions to speak lies and manipulate us in attempting to move us from where God put us.  Attempting to make us disobey God's directions and obey our flesh.

I could allow my feelings to take me on a roller coaster ride, making me guess, question what I know is the truth, attempting to seduce me to disobey God's Spirit.
I already know what that will create, and, I can't do that.
I can't and won't try to compromise my responsibilities associated with my Calling. I can't and won't try to cross the boundaries He set around me. I can't and won't try to make come what is not God's time to come. I can't and won't allow impatience and rebellion to make me follow them.
I've come too far and I know Jesus too well to do any of those things.
Others allow impatience and feelings to make them attempt these things, I can't and won't. 
I have Way too much to lose.

God knows my feelings and He gave me His Spirit to be the power in and through my life, not my feelings, and that is enough for me.  I have gotten better at examining them, and acknowledging them, but not acting on them, esp when my actions will do no good.
Remember, our feelings and emotions will create optical illusions that can and will trick us into thinking what we see and want is right for us.

So, I allow Spirit of Jesus to continue to bring to me All that I need as I sit in His Peace, and allow Calm and Her daughter, Joy,  to comfort and soothe me.
As I am taken through this part of God's details for this phase of His process,
As I wait,I am Fully Convinced.
I am opened, I am healed.

I am delivered out of and into.

Matthew 19:24-28
Luke 1:35-39
John 12:40-50   (Amp)
Acts 2:3

regeneration - forming again (especially with improvements or removal of defects); renewing and reconstituting

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-2014 WisdomTeachesme

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