Thursday, November 4, 2010


It Will Be Best to Hear Him say to each of us, Well Done my Good And Faithful servant!
'Well Done' Is  Always Better to Hear Than 'well said'!

“He Has Made us Competent as ministers of A New Covenant—Not of the letter but of The Spirit; for the letter kills, but The Spirit Gives Life.” 
2 Corinthians 3:6

 I Am grateful to God for the people who, Despite the adversities of evil, oppression, racism, sexism, and human frailties, forged Through to Open doors for All others to come through.

I Praise our Lord For Those Other Strong, Courageous People whose Stories Rarely get told, Who REALLY Are the Other ones in the trenches Fighting the Good Fight of Faith!

"Restore To me the Joy of Your Salvation And Uphold me With A Willing Spirit !" Psalm 51:12

The Stories Behind the Stories....

Shiphrah and Puah, had Obedience And Courage. (
Exodus 1:8-17)
And I am humbly grateful to our Lord, for their Strength, Courage and Truth in God that they Leaned on and relied on when faced with either their own deaths, or the murdering of others.
I Am Glad that they chose God!

"Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve!" -Joshua 24:15

"God Is Not unjust; He Will Not Forget your work And the Love you have shown Him As you Have Helped His people And Continue To Help Them!"
Hebrews 6:10

So many, Too Many people, want God to step in and do what They need to be doing!

What We All Need to be doing!
We Are His Body, His Hands and Feet!
We Are To Do what We are Able, Then the Rest Is up to God!

There is Spiritual Inspiration that Enables us to Act in Courageous Ways and deeds Out of a Commitment to God In the Name of Jesus!

This Courage does not call people to try and do the Impossible, But to Faithfully and Selflessly  Do what We can do when we Could chose to otherwise Ignore what/who is in front of us in need of Help!

Set Your Face to go where He sends you to Go!  

Go, Even though you may understand what awaits you there. Seek Courage through Jesus' example and His Courage will Rise up and Stir your strength and Power Through Him. 

Commitment to God to freely chose actions that place others above yourself,  And places God above All,

Knowing that Trust in Him, Shall Open the Door To your Courage!  
"...set His face to go to Jerusalem..."
Luke 9:51

"Lean on, Trust in, And Be Confident In the Lord With all your Heart And Mind And Do Not rely on your Own insight or understanding.  In All your Ways Know, Recognize, And Acknowledge Him, And He Will Direct And Make Straight And Plain your Paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6

When we Walk And Live Within His Will, Plans And Purposes for us, We Will Walk Right Into His Ways Made Through For us!  There is no need to ask Him to 'make a way'!

On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme

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