...(that I know of--though the Holy Spirit Will convict those who need to be shown His Truth And His Correction)....
(and honestly, I guess if you want to take it personally, then you will...)
The Lord put this in my heart to Speak Out to help me understand some things, some ways that people take and do....And, as I am instructed to do--I Share All that He Has and Is teaching me with you....IJN, Amen!**
Yeah, I Know...and it is True...my Light shines very brightly, very far, and is extremely strong...coming from a place of deep Trust...total Faith...overflowing unconditionaLove...revealing the darkness that so many are to fearful to leave...though that darkness is killing many of you by way of a slow death that is full of fakeness, lies, and confusion....
Though you claim to be so Accepting, claim to be so desiring of worldliness and the gaining of knowledge...you reject me...For some reason(s), I frighten you...REALLY, Truth Be Told=It's Not me, but The Light in me that makes you afraid...
...I am sad for you & I do pray for you And I do Keep Hopeful for you---But I Will Not Cover my Light, because you are resisting the Life that you are actually searching for...
I Will Not become un-teachable, un-willing, stagnant, and stuck in the midst of my transitions of growth, of gaining Wisdom & a higher understanding...As so many of you are comfortable doing and being, living stuck, unteachable, unwilling, disobeying...
I do Love you, with the Power of Love Itself...
But I will not Hide or Dim, my Light...
I do not Work for the world, I am Not governed by it's standards, nor do I seek my reward from the motives, approval, praise, and acknowledgment, of those that do serve the world...
I Do Not & Can Not Serve Two Masters! Truth Be Told!
"This Little Light of Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine...ohhh, This Little Light of Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine..."
The Lord Woke me Up in His Love and Truth this morning...been up a long time before the sun rose...not unlike most mornings...
And I will speak out His Truth and His messages as He says to do--when He says to do--exactly as He tells me to say them. Amen!
Things had to be put in place and spoken in love and truth, and He will watch what the people do and say
And that is His job...not mine...He gives understanding,
And now that people have the truth What are you going to do with it...He asks?
I will not ram Him down anybody's throat, i will not sit on any person who disobeys Him...BUT I will not move from what and where He has placed me either.
I except folk right where they are...i plant seeds, and water seeds in His Name..as He directs me to do...
I don't have time for any hypocritical people that claim to be for the Lord, to live for Him and to serve Him..But yet check out of their Faith in order to check into the ways and standards of the world when they 'feel like it'!
That is double-mindedness and I don't have time for that. I will not judge, nor condemn those that live that way--But the Lord Will!
and I will stand as a Witness to His Work and Love!
It is His place to judge our hearts, not mine...and I am Righteously angry at a lot of people that claim to be so accepting, claiming to be wanting to learn about so many different things and people, and then have a problem with the Depth of my faith and trust in the Lord...(and others like me)
They be the kind that say, "she talks about God too much, about Jesus too much..."
They have taken hold of some false shallow belief system that Will fail them every time they use it...
They take all Christians, all Believers and put them in one box, all because some people professing to be Christians came in their world and jacked them up oppressing them and inflicting hurt and pain,,,taking them through hoops and loops spreading mans laws and not the Teachings of Jesus!
People need to take a moment and see the differences in us who claim the Lord as their own...and not all believers have reached that level of understanding, knowledge and wisdom TO Claim Him as Their LORD! He is just their Savior....there is a difference...
Look closely and you will be able to SEE and KNOW the difference between those that are Living the Way He set forth and those who are not.
Look closely, pay attention, and you will be able to SEE and know the ones of us who Get IT! Who Understand the Red Letters and are living the Message that Jesus taught and spoke over and over and over to us all!
Again, I do love you and want All His best for you--actually, let me turn that around... I know He has provided All His Best to and for YOU...I want you to receive it, take it into your heart, into your soul into your Spirit and live it!
In the Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen!
**Now, think about your love for the Lord, your desire to learn to be changed by Him, think about the narrow life you now live, putting your Faith to His Power, making sure that allow Him the honor and glory to be seen through your life ...as you serve Him...
When people come against you in their petty ways, trying to use manipulation, lies, and deception...Remember, it's not you, but the Light of His Holy Spirit that Lives in you that they are put off by...
It's the Love of God in the name of Jesus that they want....Ask the Lord to help them, and move right along..
On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
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