Oh my Lord, I am so grateful that You call to me to Come Away With You…I am so at Peace that Your Spirit has taught me; that when the demands and difficult circumstances of life begin to overcrowd my mind and suck my energy I know, that I have to be Deliberate in coming straight to you and Resting in the Peace of Your Love. Thank You Holy Spirit!
What & Who the world labels me as, is not how You see and know me Lord. I know who I am In You and who You Are In me. (John 14 & 15)
The unfairness, the troubles, the confusion that is set into motion, the messes that come from the evil in people’s hearts and from the enemy’s hand, will not And cannot stop Your Will and Purpose spoken for my life.
I know that the ground is even and fair at the foot of Your Cross!
As long as I continue to Live and Grow in Your Holy Spirit and not by flesh and emotions I will always be changing into the person you created me to become. (Gal 5:19-25)
Because, I know that my best will never be good enough-I Come when Your Spirit Calls to me To Come! I know without question or hesitation to Follow whatever Your Holy Spirit tells me to do—I will do!
I Come That You may feed my hungry and thirsty Spirit.
I need to hide myself in Your Secret Place where I can be restored and healed by Your Love.
I Am so grateful that I have learned this will not happen Automatically; I must Deliberately Be Still—to still my body and to quiet my thoughts and emotions in order to Sit and Rest in Your Secret Hiding Place. Thank You my Lord.
In Your Secret Hiding Place I am given all Your Supply for my Every Need-I am given all the Seed that I need to Sow for Your Namesake, I am given all the correction, comfort, strength, and direction to continue in the Work that You use me for.
The depth of Your Truth concerning Your Will and Purpose is poured into me and I am given a wider understanding of Your Wisdom Knowledge. Glory be unto You my Father in the name of Jesus!
Have Your Way with me Lord, Your Will be done not mine!
To be changed more and more by Your Love into Your Love!
When I do this my Lord, I am never disappointed.
Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

I am so Glad that the Lord has given me His Love, Peace, Joy and Wisdom to live in & grow In, so that I am able to accept the things that I cannot change.
That I am able to accept what He allows. That I am able to accept what He reveals is unacceptable to Him concerning me-in order that what is Not acceptable to Him I allow Him to change!
That I am able to accept Every Truth that He reveals to me about myself, about others and about His Purpose and Will for my life!
And to accept His timing concerning all things related to my life.
To accept that I have to move when He says to move--that I accept to stop, sit and wait , when He says to stop, sit and wait!
No matter what happens in the 'world', I will always have my Love, Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Strength, Compassion, Forgiveness, Self-Control, and a Committed & Dedicated Passion for His Way!
In Every Thing, in every situation, every set of circumstances, every hurt, every pain, every harsh word spoken or act of meanness and or evil- in every unfairness, every trouble, and trial---we are given the choice - the opportunity to= Sow Seeds!
He provides the Seed to the Sower to Sow!
2 Corinthians 9:10
Galatians 6:8
Romans 8:28
It is not about whether God is on our side--But, If YOU Are ON His side that matters!
Are you cooperating with Him--obeying His Spirit? Are you allowing His Love to change you every day--day by day? Telling God what you want to do and expecting Him to honor that which is not part of His Will and Purpose for your life will bring you to many disappointments and the consequences of the choices that you made against His leading will be many and harsh.
Yes, God is on your side--If you are on His side!
On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Thank you. :) xxx
my sister in Christ, you are welcome.
Yesterday When i was lead to visit your blog and i got there and read your post; i knew it was more than just my checking on you.
I am so grateful that He loves you so much and you He.
one day at a time my sister, one day at a time...together we ( His children- will arrive where His will and purpose send us!
i hope to 'talk' soon!
sending Love, Peace and Trust from this home to yours!
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