God's Sweet Children, I confess that this is a Great day to serve the Lord! Amen
God wants to know will you testify to His Love for all your days here?
Will you be a witness when words are not enough?
(Psalm 151)
God wants to tell you that you have come far-look and see where He has brought you from. Through the fire, through the mud, and water. Through the storms....and all you had to do was trust in Him, stand and walk on your faith in Him and hold onto that Rock that is higher than any other- Praise God. This is Him loving us when we can look back and see places where no doubt, It Was God that Did what you needed.
(2 Cor. 5:18-21)
You have made progress-but the journey is not over-your present position is not your end. You have a ways to go - we have to keep pressing on! Rest in Him, and allow His love to cover you-live in you-come from you and you will be made whole and complete by His love.
Don't be concerned about what you have not done correctly up to this day, trust God to do as He said He would. Rest in Him.
Tell yourself today and every morning-who you are. Remind yourself who you are--remind your heart who it loves and belongs to. If you don't, your heart will be led by emotions and run after every person and thing that it sees.
Every Morning tell yourself that you are not a grasshopper thinking that you see giants every where you look. (Num 13:26-33; 14:6-10)

10 saw and lived one way - and 2 saw and lived by the way of God.
Two had to split - break away from the group, even though they were suppose to be on the same side. God's side.
Two wanted to stay connected to the spirit of the Lord--just as we are to do. Staying with the people who see from the prespective of the Lord, those that are not intimidated by obstacles that are designed to jackup God's plans.
We have been given our commandments-to do the work of Jesus and after that, to do greater things. Well, if you keep siding with the wrong group, the group that lives by their power & emotions, fears, and material status-you will not be representing Jesus as we were told to. (John 14:12) And in our own names, we can do nothing.
We speak, do, and live In His Name. We are to project a mind, a spirit, of confidence and assurance, a steady hand with the ability to recieve God's fresh anointing for strategy--in order that forward movements in His Kingdom here on earth are accomplished. (Heb 11:6) We are joint-heirs with Jesus.
Without hesitation no matter the circumstances that surround us--we are we to go to God, to serve God, to accept what God allows. Without hesitation, we are to trust in what He says and to do what He tells us to do--at the moment that He tells us to do it. No other way is there.
We are to be humbled by the privilege to do all of these things He has commanded. To put others before ourselves, to pray for others, even when we are in need and within trials and trouble. (Phil 1, 2)
Who do you need to split from? What kind of thinking do you need to split from? Are you around people that will allow space for doubts, divisions, fears and emotions to move in and control all of the plans that God has given to you? Some of the ways they create these cracks are by murmmuring, whinning, doubting and walking in fear and jealousy.
Let us continue to stand on the Rock--On a Solid Foundation that Jesus constructed for us.
Let us confess with our hearts what we know to be the truth about our Father God and ourselves.
In the Name of Jesus Father we come to You, and we confess from our hearts that because You delight in me the land that You have appointed for me with all it's borders, blessings and strength is an exceedingly good land- Amen. I declare strength for my life to see that Your Kingdom Comes and Your Will be done-for Yours Lord is the Power and the Glory through my life.
I declare this truth that You will continue the good work in me that You have started, right up to the day that Jesus returns; developing and perfecting my heart and life that I am presentable to Him.
I declare Father God that Your plan is to fully bring me into my inheritance in You - Your plan for me is complete and contains every detail that I need, for daily do I serve You Lord.
I speak the truth from my heart to refuse other ideas, concerns and plans no matter what the source satan uses - Because You Lord are a shield around me--surrounding me all around, above me and beneath me-- you are protecting me and keeping me--So I confess right now, that I refuse to take up the fears and doubt of man as my trust.
I know this truth from You Lord, that because You have found no fault with me that every accusation against me has lost it's power. Accusations have failed in the planned attack to destroy me by evil ways. And the words of every accusation lies barren and full of the lack of ability to condemn me for ever more!
For my faith and integrity haves promoted me and You Father are pleased with me.
I speak in the name of Jesus, that I am Not living daily with the consequences of my bad decisions made--that You Jesus have restored what I gave away and let be taken away. I am healed from my wrongs, in Your name Lord. Thank You Jesus!
You Lord, do not count our sins.(Rom 5:15, 17)
I press forward, forgetting what lies behind me--thank You Lord for renewing my mind. I am in my right mind because of You Lord-by the blood of Jesus, I am delivered out of false lands and false people and delivered into the divine placement you Father God have chosen for me to bring You glory through my life.
I am living to be a better servant, a better child, a better witness for You Father God, not a better slave for this world.
Thank You Lord, for I know You have recieved my praise, my testimony, my worship of You.....the Confessions of my heart..
thank You Jesus, Amen.
'TESTIFY TO GOD'S LOVE' - Psalm 151- Wynonna Judd
May you continue to walk and grow in His love and His completeness-For Glory Be Unto God in the Name of Jesus.
1 comment:
I thank the Lord for renewing through this word, for remaking my life in Him, for healing my heart to be acceptable as an offering to Christ.
Thank you Lord for Wisdom as your witness!
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