Friday, October 8, 2010


Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there Will your heart Be also."  Matt 6:21

Greetings to you on this wonderfully made day.
I Praise our Lord for renewing & strengthening your Spirit for this day!
His Love wakes us in our Right minds, with Great opportunities available to us As we Walk In His Spirit, to be blessed by being a blessing to all that we shall cross paths with each day! 
Psalm 32:8-9

I am Grateful that we have been provided with All Ways from our Lord to deny temptations! They will come and try us, tease us to walk in their ways, But our Lord Jesus has given us Every method possible to Walk Away and say No to joining in with serving our enemy.  The More we use them they grow and mature--our Self-Control and Discipline based on His Truth is our Way out every time!  Amen!  Phil 4:8; Gal 5:19-26

He visits us in the night and examines our hearts, He tests our hearts and found what needs to be there and Has Purposed our mouths so that we shall Not speak wrongly!
I Am Always grateful that I Will see His Face in Righteousness, that I Shall Be satisfied when I am awakened by Your Love in Your Likeness my Good Lord! 
Psalm 17:3-8,15; Matt 6:19-34

There are Always Many opportunities that He provides for us to be blessed by, and many times they are small ones, and many times they may be found on a path that we have not taken before, and many times, so many people miss these divine opportunities because they do Not yield to His Spirit to be led in these never before taken paths.

I Encourage You To Watch for and be amazed as our Lord provides open windows and doors that allow His Opportunities to be seen, found, and taken hold of so that we are Able to achieve every breakthrough He has manifested for us to Have.

These breakthroughs will be both small and yet Very significant matters of our lives.  They shall be Spiritual and natural areas that we Will Need to pay attention too and Also more importantly, we will need to be Willing, Teachable and Accepting of them all.

We Will Have to Yield to the unction of His indwelling Holy Spirit Who Will lead us off the paths of comfort onto paths that we have never been on before, in Order to re-position us to receive the blessings and to be a blessing to those that we shall encounter.

I encourage you to slow down, pay attention, stay in the Spirit of Expectation and Allow Him to Completely direct your steps as You are to Boldly go forth to experience His Extraordinary Powers and Ways!

Isaiah 42:16 I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them.

This Will also provide you with More Freedom! I do not talk about an outward Freedom only but more so Freedom within. Do not be caught up in the lies of our enemy about outward challenges, he will try to make you believe in his illusions of outward freedoms.   Challenges shall always come into our lives, as God allows them in order to use them to better us with.

If you are truly Free with Real Freedom on the inside, then facing them in the Name of Jesus, through His Power and Strength, filled with His indwelling Holy Spirit, armed with every tool God has provided in Our Daily Portion, then you are Free from mental sins of desire of wanting worthless things, Free from hate, prejudice, pride, ego, jealousy, envy, etc...

Many worthless things that people give their time and lives to suck the life out of them and hinder them from progressing as God has ordered them to do.  These people are guided by their eyes and Not His Holy Spirit, so they end up using precious time, energy and resources on the things that God is directing them away from.  Their Focus is Not on our Lord but on their troubles, frustrations, irritations, what other people are doing or have.  All of this is worthless and does not serve God through our lives.  Our enemy works to keep our focus on all the wrong things and people instead of on Jesus our Lord.

Some of these worthless things are obvious but many are not, which is why it is Very important to stay close and near our Lord and ask for a deepening of Spiritual discernment in order to be able to Hear Him and know His leading and nudging. 
Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.Psalm 119:37
God's Real Freedom on the inside brings into our hearts and lives His Peace, Joy, Happiness, Satisfaction, Patience, Love, selflessness, and Spiritual growth and maturity.  All to be used to Serve Him with. 
I Hope and Pray that You Yield to His indwelling Spirit as He leads you to His opportunities, small and significant they are, full of His blessings that He desires to give to us. 

I encourage you to make God’s Words your focus, stay obedient to the leading of His indwelling Holy Spirit,  keep this a top priority during your down time and this will Keep you in His presence and your life from worthless distractions.  He desires to use us in Mighty and Awesome ways, and sometimes these are small ways to us, because we are not able to see and know the larger plan that He has in mind.
  I Thess 5:14-25 *vs19

On feet of Faith & Peace 
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Faith. 
©2010 WisdomTeachesme

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