Tuesday, February 24, 2009


"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage." Psalms 84:5
We are the fruit of The Lord. How does your garden grow?
Even God does not work a garden too much. You have to allow it time to rest, root, and grow. You can overwork the ground too much and kill the plants before they take root and produce the fruit they were designed to produce.
You know, sometimes, the body gets so tired; the mind just will not focus on any task at hand or something that needs to be done in the next hour or two. It just seems that to even think about doing it makes you even weaker.

You aren’t sad, or depressed, just tired.

That happens to our bodies—it is a signal to slow down, rest, take a nap, eat better foods (if possible) and do nothing for a moment. Leave everything right as it is, where is it going? It’ll be right there after you are restored and replenished with His strength. Let the Lord Love up on you!

We get tired of spiritual warefare, of battling one issue and before we know it another problem is standing facing us.

We LOVE Working for Jesus, but there are times where we really need to rest. You know that Jesus experienced this also, right?

He sends us those that need His Help. His Love, His Compassion. And we willingly with Love for Him, Give it freely! amen.

But,We get tired from giving to others who don’t have nearly half our strength and faith. Tired of fighting to free others, it is hard work you know. That is why, when you know that someone is praying for you--you better thank the Lord God Himself for that person's obedience to His direction. Better yet, why don't you do both and thank the person.

The Spirit of God directs His Workers, not you or me. Only God does. He is the one thinking of you and your life and He speaks to His Workers as to who they need to do what for.

AND, it would be in your best interest to go to Him and ask for the prayers others spoke for you that He has Answered And Delivered! PICK-UP!

We get Tired of chopping the heads off demons and evil spirits, tired of helping your own kids, and supporting your partner and any close friends that are accompanying you and you them on this Journey with Jesus.

Tired of teaching, tired of the people you work with or for, tired of the weather being jacked up, tired of talking to bill people working out an arrangement through a ‘Grace’ period to pay the overdue part of your bills. Tired of the injustices and evil at work in other people’s lives.

We get tired of living with health issues. We get tired of delivering messages to people that just will not listen and obey what He says they need to do And how they need to do it.
His Yoke that He gives in return for ours is a burden for the People of God.
And sometimes,
You just get tired.

When the Spirit of God that lives In us—that lives In our hearts comes around opposing spirits who try to tell you lies about being overwhelmed, of being outnumbered, of not being good enough, telling you lies about what God is going to do for you;
You really have to pull on the Depth of Love from Jesus, pull on and hold on tightly to His hand in order to walk Through the midst of antagonism that breeds from evil.

His Spirit Will strengthen and Guide us as long as we do not give in to fears. But Once you begin to give in to fear, then you stop listening to and following God's Will. Basically, you cut Him off.

We have been instructed to, “ Let Each of you Lead the Life…to which God Called you.” 1 Cor. 7:17

Our Lord is so Good He knows that we will get tired, He knows how we have been made-He made us. We must speak it out-confess it and give it to Him so that we are not burdened with heaviness that is not ours to deal with. Then we need to rest our weary bodies and minds. To rest in His Love and Faithfulness is to know that He will restore you in order to continue the life that He has called you to live for His namesake.

“God said to us, “I Will Instruct you And Teach you the Way you Should Go; I Will Counsel you with My Eye Upon you.” Psalm 32:8

"Should Go", see, He will not and can not make you go and do anything that you willingly, will not do.

Going to church, reading your Bible, none of that bothers satan. But the moment that you begin to Believe, Trust, and have Faith in God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit; now that gets satans attention.

Now you believe.
The enemy wants us to give up, to let go of God’s Way completely, to actually kill us off with the weight of this world.
But you know, Jesus Said, He has conquered this world and He leaves us His peace.

I don’t know about you—but everyday I claim that Peace and i hold it dear in my heart…His Peace Is a barrier breaker! His Love Pushes back all antagonism no matter where it comes from—it shall not hold you back….unless you allow it to.

Just as Jesus passed through the midst of evil undaunted, His Spirit that lives in us will anger the opposing spirits as we pass them-as we cross their paths.

This is why certain people you work around, in your family, friends of friends, and so on, act like they have lost their minds when you come around. Ringing any bells?

The 'something' in them can't stand to be around you. Have you ever noticed this as you move through out your day?

I notice it with children all the time. So it is easy for me to see this in adults.

AND, on the other side, if something in you reacts to another then there are things that may be going on. 1= The Holy spirit is warning you as to who this person is. This person may be someone you need to keep your eye on. Pray on it and His Spirit will let you know if this is friend or foe.

2= it is something you need to let God work on you about. His Spirit lives In you, guiding you and instructing you, etc... so if you are bothered by another, it may be something in you that is not right with God. Again, Pray on it and wait for His Spirit to reveal to you what you need to face and let Him cut from you.

We are the Garden of the Lord. He needs to get to work inus to prune what will kill us, prune what is in His Way, fertalize us, water us, remove the wrong bugs and allow the good bugs to live in our gardens. He needs to get the weeds out before their root choke the roots of the plants, the crops, the fruit that He planted in us for His namesake.

He Is The Master Gardner.

See, this is what a personal relationship with Jesus is all about. Going to God with everything in Jesus' name. Spending time with Him, asking for what you need, going to give Him praise for everything that He has Already done for you-And- for what He Is Going To Do for you. And many times we need to go to Him not asking for anything at all-just to sit with Him.

Examine yourself quickly by going to God and asking His Spirit to reveal to you what is not right in you. He Will do so. He loves to correct those that He loves! Amen.

As we pass 'through', they will rise up against us…well, actually they will try to rise up, but surely I tell you that Just as Jesus kept walking right through them—they cleared a path to allow Him to walk through their midst unhindered. Touch Him they dared not.

We have got to learn to face evil undaunted just as He did. And He still does so today.

If you are working for Jesus, the sea will part and allow you to pass through because you face it with fearless confidence that nothing can or will stop you as you complete the assignment that He set you on this day.

Make sure that you allow your mind and body the rest they need so that you are not frightened when you come upon evil spirits, or the hearts of people that entertain flesh and evil; remember that you are the Home of His Spirit and it is His Spirit that arouses the antagonism.

We are to go on our way quietly, boldly Trusting in Him that sent us every step of the way. As we walk in the direction sent-know that the Way will open and you will pass through to the other side.

Jesus said to them…”As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” John 20:21

In His Strength, we His Followers need not flinch nor become fearful of what we knowingly And unknowingly face—confidently know that Good will always overcome evil.
Remember we follow the dauntless Christ.

In love do we go about our day, ready to face whatever comes up. Conquer it all with Joy, Love, and Laughter because You know that Jesus sent you and that You work for the Lord God Almighty! If He sends us He also has equipped us with All the Power, Knowledge, Wisdom, And Understanding that we will need.

When we are in agreement with the work of the Holy Spirit of God and our hearts are set on pilgrimage or the Way of the Lord; in ouselves we recognize sin for weakness or a lack of faith.

We are then called to rise above any lack, shortcoming, mistakes, and confusion that may be trying to trick us. We must remember that we have Total Freedom in Christ and that as we walk through the midst of antagonistic spirits that are opposed to the Will of God in our lives; we must keep walking, with fearless confidence knowing that the Grace of God has gone before us, walks with us and is watching our backs as we complete the Work Jesus sent us to do in His name.

As we believers are encouraged to follow Him watching-imitating what He set forth, the correct conduct, the type of leadership that Jesus lived; daily applying the principles of the Lord; we see the qualities of the Lord in ourselves and in others and we continue to imitate these qualities.

Let go of the added weight of sadness, let go of the drowning in disappointments, let go of the things in your life that you have no control over.

Take note that Communion with Him is vital for each day of our lives. Learn as Isaiah did that; “Morning by morning He wakens me—wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught. The Lord God has opened my ear…” Isa. 50:4-5

To wake up this Way, you have to go to bed this Way. Thanking God for everything reminding yourself that He is watching over you as you sleep.

Remember, that you are the Church that Jesus is building. That you are the heart that is Home to His Holy spirit.

Remember to look for His presence in all places at all times. It is a shame to be in the presence of God and not know it.

Remember that He takes our mistakes and turns them into magnificent wonders, miracles if only we believe. If only we remain under His Authority moving as His Spirit guides us.

Remember that what I speak of is a relationship with God through one with Jesus, not the religion of man. That would be what God is burning off and out of each of us. The laws that were given through Moses will not help us, only curse us. The Promises of Jesus are what Will bless us and carry us through--enduring to the end.

Remember that we have to be willing and teachable to His Spirit in order to be restored and strengthened by His Love.

Remember that we live one day at a time, one moment at a time; this is how we grow also.

Remember that we did not choose Him, but that He chose us, and He has appointed us to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last. John 15:16

Our determination to continue on this Journey comes from faith and trust in His love for us. Our resolve comes from the truth That He Will Never Fail us!

We seek resolve for greater integrity, stronger commitment, to follow right order concerning our personal behavior, and our determination to imitate the Lord for others to see His example through us.

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing . . . And who is sufficient for these things? . . . we speak in the sight of God in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

1 Corinthians 11:1; Romans 3:23

~on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

Friday, February 20, 2009



My friends I have got to testify to all of you; to tell you that My LOVE Cannot Be Moved!

I don’t know WHERE I would be right now had Jesus not been so concerned about me. He never gave up on me and when I finally got caught up in a problem with circumstances that were WAY above my limited power, knowledge, wisdom and understanding, that was Way above my head as the water was rising in order to drown me, I called out to Him and My Good Shepherd Came To See About me!
He saves us from ourselves More than He saves us from the enemy!

“Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I Will fear No evil!”

My Lord, I have to Thank You For Your Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness and for Leading me on the Paths of Your Righteousness.
I KNOW that You LOVE me! And I stay HERE on Your Paths of Righteousness, as My Love Cannot Be MOVED from You!

I EnJoy You Jesus, I Adore You Jesus, I Desire to be the Faith that pleases You every day all day! Thank You for inviting me And including me into Your Family!

How did I get on this today?

Well, I’m really like this every day, His Spirit led me to share this with you on today. I know I’m not the only one, right?

So I am Here with an All Call to those that truly LOVE the LORD and Want to get up right now and Praise Him-Right now to Worship Him and Offer our ThanksGiving for leading us on a daily path of ThankFul Living! For saving us from ourselves and from the work of the enemy! AMEN!

Are you still Here?

The Spirit of the LORD reminded me of the many, many times daily where God stepped in and delivered me out of confusion, trials, troubles, messes and mazes!

He reminded me that I owed God some Praise in the name of Jesus! That I owed Jesus some Praise and that if I have already killed a “lion, and a bear” then facing giants ain’t nothing! AMEN!

Are Ya’ll with me on this? I HOPE So! The Gospel of God's Grace!He has more than enough to go around to All who Love Him and desire to be used by Him!

Do you owe God some Praise!?

Did you fill your belly and then forget who provided the food?

Did you get the bill money in time and forget to tell All about how Good our Father is?

Did He provide what you needed and you stopped praising Him for it because you have it?

Are you worried right now about the troubles facing you instead of remembering all the times He saved you and HOW you got to today?
Do you OWE Jesus some Praise?

You know the Doors of This Church are Open to All who come In Jesus name, Amen!

Are the Doors to Your Church open to receive all that He will send?

I am so glad that I listened to and obeyed His directions to me a year ago-two years ago. If I had followed the good intentions of people around me, I And my family would be truly JackedUp today!
I am So Glad that I trust in and have faith in Jesus!

I have such Joy and Laughter in my heart Such Love for His Will and Purpose for my life – I had to come and tell those with ears that hear and eyes that see-- that I don’t’ know WHERE I would be right now if It had not been for Jesus!

Is there anybody else that knows this truth? Speak UP!, I can’t hear you testify!!

I hope you will take the time to reflect over your past days, weeks, months and years to be shown to be reminded that you may Owe God and Jesus some Prasie! Examine yourself and look at what His Holy Spirit reveals to you.
His Holy Spirit will remind you of what you need to remember at the correct times—if you are waiting, expecting Him, praising Him, ready to obey Whatever He tells YOU to Do then He calls you His Child.

Lord thank YOU for this day. No matter what I face today—I know that YOU are already in the midst of this day as it concerns my life, the lives of my family members, And the lives of those in my Community of Faith!

I forgive those that seek to do me harm; I forgive those that seek natural pleasures over the Comfort of Jesus. I forgive myself for what I have done against you and anyone else-I forgive myself for not totally obeying you in the times I have been slack and selfish and/or lazy. Thank You for saving me from myself!

I receive Your forgiveness of me and Your guidance. Thank YOU Father God for correcting me and setting me straight because You care.

If it had not been for YOU Jesus, My LORD I know I would not be here doing what I do for YOU. Thank YOU and I do have the Endurance and the Desire, And the Courage And the Fearless Confidence To make it to the End! And Lord, I plan on bringing Some people With me! AMEN, Amen, AMEN!!


NO, you are not going to give up-No your faith is not shallow-No, He has not left you nor forsaken you!
Can Your Love be Moved? No your loved Cannot be moved!

I know that when I give into the hands of Jesus ALL of my lack, my shortcomings, my need, my everything that I cannot fix, make right, correct on my own, or help myself do—I KNOW not a human on this earth, nor a devil in hell can Take out of His hands what He holds from me. I know it is safe with Him as He gives it All to The Father.

Who do you think is going to be able to take out of Jesus’ hands what we leave at the cross? Who has the power to over take Him and steal from Him? So why worry after you have prayed and left your All at the cross? It is In GOOD HANDS as He takes it to the Father. Only You and I are able to remove from His hands what we give to Him.

7How precious is Your steadfast love, O God! The children of men take refuge and put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 36:7

If we interfere with His work by taking our All back into our hands to try to do things our way- Oh, we will fall if we do this. And fall Hard we will. Some people just have to learn the hard way.
Let us Praise, Worship and give our thanks giving to our Father in the name of Jesus!

A CALL TO PRAISE, WORSHIP, OBEY, AND TO CONFESS THAT WE WILL ENDURE TO THE END—AND that we are bringing other people with us! Amen!

"Therefore, having Been Justified By Faith, we have peace with God through our LORD Jesus Christ," Romans 5:1-2

Psalm 95 (Amplified Bible)

1 O COME, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation!

2Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!

3For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.

4In His hand are the deep places of the earth; the heights and strength of the hills are His also.

5The sea is His, for He made it; and His hands formed the dry land.

6 O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker [in reverent praise and supplication].

7For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you will hear His voice,(

8Harden not your hearts as at Meribah and as at Massah in the day of temptation in the wilderness,(

9When your fathers tried My patience and tested Me, proved Me, and saw My work [of judgment].

10Forty years long was I grieved and disgusted with that generation, and I said, It is a people that do err in their hearts, and they do not approve, acknowledge, or regard My ways.

11Wherefore I swore in My wrath that they would not enter My rest [the land of promise].(


"BREAKING OF DAY"-Maurette Brown Clark

~on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

Monday, February 16, 2009


part 2:

Luke 6:46-49 (Amplified Bible)
46Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not [practice] what I tell you?
47For everyone who comes to Me and listens to My words [in order to heed their teaching] and does them, I will show you what he is like:
48He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a foundation upon the rock; and when a flood arose, the torrent broke against that house and could not shake or move it, because it had been securely built or [
a]founded on a rock.
49But he who merely hears and does not practice doing My words is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation, against which the torrent burst, and immediately it collapsed and fell, and the breaking and ruin of that house was great.

The word LORD simply means Master.
When we (you & i) call upon Jesus to be LORD over And in our lives--this means we give Him Full Authority over And in our lives. We (you & i) belong to Him, And that we Are obligated to do Whatever He says-And to Do it when And how He says.
To call And accept Him as your Lord and then to fail to obey Him is absurdly contradictory!
To merely profess acknowledgement of His LORDSHIP is not enough.
True Love And Faith involve And are governed by obedience to Him.
We (you & i) don't really Love Him And we don't really Believe On Him if we don't Do exactly what He says.
**Please note, in Galatians 3:19-29, that Paul explains and reminds us that following the old testament Law of Moses will not bless us but curse us. It is based on people following a perfection of behavior, not of the New Law that Jesus gave us which is to Love unconditionally.
In verses 10-12 Paul concludes that the Law of Moses was only able to curse men, not bless them, for absolute, total obedience is required of the Law on every particular. The Law was not based upon belief by Faith, but upon perfect behavior, something people are incapable of doing. (yes, i know this is a controversial topic, and while others discuss and argue over which is right-I'm going on to do what Jesus told us to do). Amen.
My friends, my sisters and brothers let us be teachable as long as today Is today! Amen.
To be an active listener to His Holy Spirit and to those whose paths we cross is part of our learning and teaching as we continue to Journey with Jesus each day In is name, Amen.

We are told over and over again by Jesus, and many of His followers, Not to be concerned about our future. Do not Fret! He says, Do not worry, or be consumed by worry; do not fear And do not be afraid, For He is With us. He says to us time And time again.

It is easier said than done. But what I have learned is that, if you start with One Day, one problem, one concern and hand it over to Him; each day thereafter, each concern, each problem -after that initial one- it will be easier to leave all with Him in prayer.

He is a great Friend to each person that calls on Him to be one. And in turn we are to be His Friend. Now we cannot be a friend to Jesus as He is to us-we are not perfect, nor are we without sin as He is. But to learn the importance of being changed into the type of person that resembles Him is positive growth and not stagnation. This is a large part of being a true believer And follower of The Way He lived, died, and resurrected to give us.

I have come across some people that do not understand what that means. To have a relationship with Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit. And to allow it to grow. Maybe they have not been taught that this is a main point to being a believer And a follower of Jesus.
There are many believers, but not all of them follow Jesus.

Then there are some that claim to follow Jesus, but really are playing games and do not really believe in His Name- which Is To be saved and washed in His blood. They will not totally turn their lives over to Him and let Him Be LORD in and over their lives.

IN both, being converted is a key that is a missing desire in their heart. And many are not even convinced let alone converted.
A relationship with Jesus is strengthened and grows just like any other relationship that we have with a person.

If you do not have a truthful and growing relationship with yourself And, If you don’t know how to be a good and true friend with other people then, that may be the reason that your relationship with Jesus – that your friendship with Him is shallow and lacking.

Search out the truth as to why you don’t know how to grow in It with Him.

How do you treat the people that you call friends? Do you ignore them until you have some good news about your own life? Do you call or email or even send a greeting card just because? Do you call on them when you only have problems or some gossip? How we treat each other is how we will treat Jesus and our relationship with Him.

Look at it this way, do you have any friends that often tell you when you do catch up with them, you say= “where have you been? I’ve called a few times and did not hear from you?”
And they say something like this – “oh I’ve been busy, that’s why I have not returned your call or called to check on you.”
Have you ever said that statement to someone you considered a good friend?

I am a firm believer in =”you will make time for what you really want to do!”

How much time does it take to return a phone call? You know they are making phone calls and rec’ing them.

See, what these people don’t do gives you much truth about yourself and them.

That statement says a lot about the person that speaks it. They are so self-centered and can see nothing beyond their personal issues—Or--they really don’t consider you as good of a friend as once implied by them. Or, they really don’t know how to be a good friend and what they give you is all they know - Or they have grown and don’t know how to tell you that many of the interests they had in common with you are no longer there.

But in order for people to tell you the truth—they first have to tell themselves the truth And accept it. The Light shines on them a bit too brightly, they fear the truth.

Is this the same thing that happens with you? When you feel Jesus calling you to come a little closer to Him—to come a little deeper into His love for you—His Light shines brighter on you—are you fearful of shadows? Is too much of what you are trying to hide being revealed when He does this?

Have you ever helped out a friend either with your time, your energy, or with your money, only to watch the person drift into a place of non-communication?

Think of Jesus, and how we pray to Him for strength, for help of every kind—but yet so many don’t communicate with Him daily. So Many do not go to Him daily with the small things, withthe large things, with the troubles, and with the Joyous times--To Share with Him our day.

This is why many people’s relationship with Him do not grow, or are not even created. Too many people expect Him to do all the work and they just reap His rewards. He does not work that way.

Do you have friendships like that? Have you examined the people in your life and put them in their proper places-for example, every friend is not a good friend-not a trusting friend.

Some of our friends expect us to do all the work and they reap the benefits.
Not that you may be keeping tabs—as keeping a list of who has done what for whom—is not a good thing to do if you are selfless in your giving as taught to us from Jesus. But don’t these people really make you wonder about their integrity? Do you begin to wonder about your own integrity?

They make you start to really see ‘who’ they are underneath the clothes and the hair and the cars and the job and their business. I hope they make you examine yourself also.

Have you ever noticed that there are some people in your life that call upon you when they have troubles, trails and need? They seem to call upon you when they have gossip or whining about their lives? Think about this in regards to how you treat and see your friends-Do you treat others this way? They ‘have time’ for this type of conversation but nothing deeper than the shallow.
Is that how you treat Jesus and your relationship with Him?

Is your relationship with Jesus only one when you need something from Him? How do you feel when people treat you this way?

Do you ever just call on Him and ask nothing from Him but to sit in His presence?

Do you call on Him and ask Him what can you do for Him today, since you have given All your lack, your shortcomings, your mistakes, your wrongs/sins, your need to Him.

If He is taking care of All your 'stuff' then you have time to Work for Him as He directs us to.

I think on the fact that any of us can make time to do what we want to do--when I have had a person tell me they just have been too busy to call me or return a call. I have come to know that I value friendships Much differently than a lot of people I know. The expectation I have from friends is much higher than they have for themselves and others they consider friends.

Their definition of a good friend is really nothing like mine. The word friend-has many different levels as it applies to each of us. We have friends that we know we can rely upon. We have friends that are not trustworthy and those that are. They are all not the same and should not be the same.

We have friends that have not grown as much as we have in many respects to being an adult. Many still act like they are in high school. Many are not on a Spiritual Journey with Jesus. Many are not saved and Jesus is not Lord over them and in them.
But they are still my friends. I have learned to use the Gifts of The Spirit a lot in these friendships.

I have come to know Why God has cut some people out of my life and pushed others back to their true respected places concerning my life. If any person or anything is in God’s way concerning His Will and His purpose for my life—then He will take care of it in His timing. And I thank Him for this for His namesake! Amen.

And I love it when He comes with His pruning tools and I gladly move out of the way and accept what He says needs to be pruned! Amen. He will also show you that true person that you disregarded as nothing and insignificant to your life-that person who is hidden behind a larger leaf or branch that is really pretty but is sucking your dry.

God is The Master Gardner-Jesus is Also the Master Gardner.

Who is at work in Your garden? Who is tilling your soil? Who is using ‘what’ to fertilize your ground? What are you allowing others to plant in your garden? On top of these questions—What are You using to till, to fertilize, to plant, to weed, to prune in your own heart—as many times we attempt ‘to fix ourselves’ — by ourselves!

That will not work. You will end up pulling up the plants that you need, and replacing them with pretty weeds that will strangle the life out of your garden. Many times we will kill off the good bugs and replace them with the devouring kind that take all and leave nothing.

Many times we treat our friends the same way And we allow them to treat us this way. Strengthen your relationship with yourself first. Love yourself-it creates better days for you if you do. Every where you go-you take you with you. Know your boundries and enforce them for yourself and toward others.

Is this why so many people do not understand how to have a relationship with God through Jesus? Is this why many of these relationships suffer a stunted, rotting growth?

Your garden, your soil, your ground are all speaking about your heart.

Sometimes we may have allowed certain people front row seats of our life—when they really needed to be in the balcony or even out in line trying to purchase a ticket. Many times we move people into important places in our lives by mistake.

We need to examine ourselves every day in order to know why we do what we do—in order to stop doing what is slowly killing us And remove what is a barrier, a hindrance to our Spiritual growth And maturity—in order to see the truth behind our motives.

I pay attention to where He has placed those that He has pruned or pushed back and I begin to see what kind of friend they really are to me And I to them. It is cause to examine myself and see some more truth about myself. Teach Jesus TEACH!!

Many of our relationships are one sided friendships—The kind in which you give and expect more than others do. Are you doing that with Jesus?
And by Growing in my Relationship with Jesus all this gets clearer and stronger to me every day. It is not about who is wrong or right — it is about clarity concerning the people in my life and how they relate to me. I don’t’ like fooling myself – lying to myself about anything or anybody.

These types of people also are not willing to share with me All my Joyous times of praising God for what He does for me and through me. A lot of people get jealous when God blesses you. You call on them to share in your praise of God and they are burning with fleshy jealousy and envy.

The difference now, is they have made It very clear to me who I really am to them and just how important I am to their living.

It saddens my heart that they cannot see past their fears and troubles and the daily grind of life to enjoy All the other things that God gives us to EnJoy. Especially each other. Amen.

We are to Pray for our friends, no matter if they are close to us or not--whether they ahve caused us pain and hurt or not. We are called to forgive and pray for those that hurt us.

Do you know these types= Some call to catch up on your business-your life and tell you nothing about theirs and then they hang up. You know those people? Some call to tell you everything they are doing then hang up. Do you know these people? Pray for them.

They always ask about you and those in your home, they ask about other friends and what is going on in their lives—then once they compare themselves with all of you all—then they are satisfied and are ready to get off the phone. Some friends require us to be patient and long-suffering with them-just as we ask of Jesus to be with us.

Not everyone does Jesus call a friend—I know we need to pay attention to that truth!

Examine yourself and your expectations from your friends.

Examine how you see your relationship with Jesus and notice if you are being one-sided—always calling on Him only to take, take, take from Him—never giving selflessly.

He made us each, to accomplish so much—specifically that no one else can accomplish.

May God continue to help those of us that desire to be the kind of friend that Jesus is to us all. May He help us move past ourselves into the maturity and strength it takes to be a friend in good weather and stormy weather.

Let us Pray: Dear God, we come to you in Jesus’ name, to ask You to please continue to give me an understanding, caring, and compassionate heart and help me to learn how to be the type of person, the kind of friend that Jesus is to me. I see I have neglected my friendships with other people so how could I have a strong sound relationship-friendship with Jesus. Lord forgive me, for I was caught up in my own life and became selfish. Thank You for pruning those branches and weeds out of my life—thank You Father for showing me where each person belongs in my life And their value. Thank You for the Gifts of the Spirit and the definition of UnconditionaLove so that I see my goal to grow toward—that Will give You All the honor and glory through my life. In the name of Jesus, my friend Amen.

God honors Friendships-Numerous teachings in the Bible show us this.

~on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

Thursday, February 12, 2009


A Worker Approved by God
24And the servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome (fighting and contending). Instead, he must be kindly to everyone and mild-tempered [preserving the bond of peace]; he must be a skilled and suitable teacher, patient and forbearing and willing to suffer wrong.
25He must correct his opponents with courtesy and gentleness, in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and come to know the Truth [that they will perceive and recognize and become accurately acquainted with and acknowledge it],

26And that they may come to their senses [and] escape out of the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him, [henceforth] to do His [God's] will.

My friends, we are in the hands of the Master Gardner. I Hope that you have placed yourselves there completely. If not, Now would be the time to do so.

If you are not serious about growing-maturing in your Relationship with God through Jesus, then, this is not for you.

Take the time; Give the time to the Master Teacher, as He instructs us in more lessons for living a Truth-Filled Life Through His namesake. We are crossing The Bridge that is now before us. It is narrow, And there is no railing to hold on to; Just the Hand of Jesus. If you keep relying on human help, or anything else that is natural, this includes your own plans and ‘good ideas’; then you will continue to fall and fail this part of the Journey. Amen.

Let us continue to be teachable and daily to learn All that is available to us through the depths of His UnconditionaLove this understanding of Who we are and the weapons that we have been given to fight every day, the Good Fight of Faith in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Jesus has given us the charge to Spiritually impact what goes on around us. To be conscious—to realize everyday what our purpose is as we stand on the front lines facing the hell fires that try to prevail against His Will And Purpose in and through our lives. Jesus said, that the hell fires will not prevail, if we stand against them. I believe Him. (Matthew 16:16-19)

He wants to know if we have the Faith to do what He has left in our hands to do, or do we have little faith, because we have little or stunted growth? (Matthew 17:16-20)

Have you allowed yourself to be dominated by evil spiritual influences? Let us call it out—to stand in Truth-even if we stand alone. The knowledge from His Holy Spirit gives us our purpose concerning evil spiritual influences.

To know, accept And confess that Nothing Changes until Someone With Authority steps in to use that Authority, Is the only way 'to see And to know' His Power.

To know, that the thief, the imitator, the initiator of All spiritual opposition to the Will of God in any given setting is Always an opposing evil spirit is be be a Good And Faithful servant.

No matter what form your enemy takes on—he has made it his purpose to try and take us out in order to try to delay, hinder or even completely stop (make us give up), us from serving God in the name of Jesus.
The Most Powerful weapon that we possess is Faithful-Faith filled Prayer!

One opposing spirit will join with-align with many other opposing spirits to be as strong as possible. Evil influences that will remain invisible until their manifestations surfaces through people, places and things that concern your life.

If you are not careful, observant, and able, by the time these opposing spirits become visible in what they have created—they will have taken over the situation and will have turned the circumstances against you even more.

Examine yourself daily to make sure that you are In the Faith that is our Power.
The energy that many humans exert in trying to man-handle/woman-handle the challenges brought against us will be used against us. You will be tricked into hurting yourself more than what the opposing spirits were trying to do.

Do not do their work for them by attempting by yourself, to ‘put back in order’ what you know is ‘out of God’s order’.

You will look up and find yourself deeper in the pit of frustration which will lead to more self-destructive actions by trying without the help of Jesus to do His work. Without His Anointing on you added with your Faith and Trust in Him- you will not be as strong as you think you are. Do not fool yourself.
Pride Kills!

Wasted time, energy trying to ‘fix’ what belongs to God is a trick of the mind, flesh and a tool of the enemy. To be fully aware and accepting to the Truth of the matter, that All people, places and things belong to God-the Almighty Father as His creations.

The covenant that is in place between us- His Children-His called Workers and Him; Is enforced And has the Authority to manifest His Love over every opposing spirit and every evil stronghold, plan, and purpose that is set against us.

We believers And followers of Jesus, who know this Truth ARE ABLE to move-change situations And their circumstances by our influence through His Authority imputed to us. And this is our Work for every day.

Are you and 'a la carte' believer and follower? If so, none of this will work for you as you really do not believe NOR do you really and honestly Want to be a partaker. Having and living by Christians values is not the same as being Saved through the Blood of Jesus And being filled with His Holy Spirit.

You may just want your circumstances to change for added natural, temporal comfort, than to fully obey what Jesus teaches us.
Examine yourself and see exactly Where you stand-Tell yourself the Truth about your motives and what lives in your heart. He already knows—but do you?

God’s Word And His principles spoken with Faith over every evil aspect we face Shall Always prevail!

Daily, as we operate in God’s given Authority, we provide for ourselves and the others in our Community Of Faith-those under our care, With Good natural And Spiritual health, wealth, growth and power to be able to do All that He did and Greater things.
We are in the Hands of The Master Gardner!
Who have you Sublette your heart too?

Daily, we have to speak out our alliance to God’s Will and Purpose for our life in the name of Jesus; this Will interrupt every stress-causing disturbance created by opposing spirits. Your faith Will increase the more you use it In the Authority given to us by Jesus. (We Have the Keys To The Kingdom)

Are you going to by faith And courage, step out on faith as He Is calling to you?

If you are reading this, then He is calling to you to come deeper into His teachings-into His love and purpose for your life.

Speak with the Authority the Word of God-And Everything that His Holy Spirit directs you to say—Then Watch, Feel, Know the Sufficient Power that is imbedded in Every Word of God that will bring itself to Pass! Amen.

God Is pleased by your faith, problems Will move in line with His Will And Purpose for your life. Your strength Is renewed And your resilience Will produce a harvest of energy to invest everywhere for His name sake!

{end of part one}

~on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

Monday, February 9, 2009


His Voice Divine speaks not always to our ears—some times, He speaks to our hearts—sometimes He speaks And we hear Him, See Him through another…..

Many times our Faith speaks to us to remind us that we Know He Is near—always watching and preparing for us-in us….

His Voice Divine is not expressed through words that reach our ears all times-Many times It Is made known through the consciousness our hearts.

“Be Still AND Know That I AM GOD!” Psalm 46:10

AND, As we are still, in our thoughts, our hearts, our actions—we wait to see that He Is God.
In Humble anticipation do we wait—we wait to see—to hear what Says Our LORD about All matters concerning His Heart—His Plan—His Will for us.
We wait to know what should we do…With Joy
We wait as a servant does—anticipating orders from the Head of the Home.

We wait in Love as a lover eager to please a need—to be the one who expresses our love.

Our Lord asks Lovingly that we wait for His Command—to wait for His Guidance—to wait for His Supply—ALL Will Come—If we wait In Joy!

It Is such a pleasing life—with a Faith that pleases our Lord in Good Cheer to serve in our calling.
With a watchful expectancy filing our hearts with Joy—how could our lives be dull?

Anticipation for Glad Surprises—to Witness His Love revealed to us what we could never imagine—things no one else thought would happen in and through our lives,
Such Wonder of fulfillment, Such Joy—Such Faith knowing He Is Faithful in all He supplies to us.
Let us Pray,
Our Lord, we come to You with Praise And to Thank You--It Is our desire to be pleasing to You.
For You, my Lord, supply ALL that I need to be effective And complete in the Purpose of the Calling You placed on my life for this day.
To effectively—with singleness of heart and mind for Your namesake do we rise each morning, Called—Awakened by Your Love—Thank You Father for supplying All we need for this one day. And Lord, as we sit and wait for Your Divine Voice, Guidance, Strength And Supply; we pray for the others that are in need,
In the name of Jesus Whom we follow, Amen.

To Know that He has supplied the Answers before we ask in Prayer-the answers wait till the Prayer is Faithfully spoken from our heart.
His Promises Are Always turned into Divine Opportunities! Will you be prepared when His Divine Opportunities appear?

~on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Some things/people are not right!
i can sense that things - people are not right--and in the midst of the Changes that are happening right now! They will fall off the bridge that we are crossing! This is not about those of us who are serious about our relationship with God, but those many that are casual with this Business of our Father!

Too many people that know better are playing games thinking no one can see through their mess--it stinks!

Their growth is stagnant and stinky--flesh stinks! Double-mindedness will not be tolerated. OH, and believe me, I am compassionate! Stern-but compassionate. If people are concerned with the force i speak the truth with-then maybe you are not ready to be with God--AS HE corrects in a much stronger voice than I could ever speak. Heb 12:6; Pro. 3:12; Job 5:17-18;

I can't do anything but speak what He says you need to know! i could not know any of what you need to know i don't know your hearts in that manner! His Spirit shows me and tells me what is what!And i do know some of you are sitting there with a prune face--trying to be offended! That would be HIM that is convicting you--not me.

I am just a messenger! Go to Him and ask if what I say is true--He Will confirm it for you. Think i am not aware of why avoidance is practiced-none of us has reached the mark--but many are not trying and are saying they are. Lord, the devil directs many. Too many of Your people are OUT OF DIVINE ORDER!

We are Told to Daily Examine ourselves to see if we are in the Faith or out of it!

They call on Him for direction--for a blessing but will not release the earthly treasures to have FREE hands to take hold of His blessings! Don't they know they will lose all the time living this way!
So many are not strengthening their relationship with God through one with Jesus! Your relationship Is Your BLESSING!

See, you know better! He knows what you know of Him--too many are playing games with Him--not obeying Him--yet in public claiming to be His child! Your words do not match your actions! He knows your heart and what you speak is contradicting to what you say to Him. If YOU love HIM--You will obey HIM.

That is what Jesus said many many times! Seems simple enough to me. He gives direction to those that honestly ask--and here comes their flesh--trying to manipulate His Word and --thinking "well that is not what i want--that is not what i want to-do--that will not help me--i have my own plans!! I'll just add in what i want to do with what God told me to do and i'll get it all! "

AND As soon as they ADD to what He has spoken what they should do --AND how they should do it--when everything falls to nothing then here they come calling on HIM for help without speaking their wrongs and asking for forgiveness.

They turn right around and do it again! And you think He is going to be a part of this fleshy mess and arrogance! You are fooling yourself as to Who He is to us! See, right there is where you should see that you have not spent enough time with Him learning Who He really is.

It shows and it stinks! Truth telling for myself-as we are to examine ourselves Everyday!
Truth telling is what i am called to do--i cannot sit idly by and help people continue to tell themselves or others lies, create fleshy messes, patting you on the back saying ohhh it will be alright your excuses are valid! NO!

i will not help anyone cause themselves or others to fall into iniquity and say nothing about it! If you want to drag yourself down into the pit of jacked up messes and mazes go right ahead...
If you are comfortable lying to yourself, manipulating your own mind and heart--go right ahead. If you enjoy whining, and complaining about suffering for God's namesake then maybe you are not where you think you are! Get over it and cross the bridge!

And if anyone does not want to hear the truth-- keep moving toward the direction you are going in the opposite of Jesus.
He would say stop what you are doing and FOLLOW ME!

If the person did, fine--if they tried to give an excuse He spoke the truth about them and their situation to them but He never stopped walking in the direction that God set Him on. Who are you following again!?

It's in the book--read it! There were people that gave Him an excuse as to why they could not go His way--He kept right on His Way in the Divine plans set forth by the Father of us all.

Some already are living in hell--living apart from God is hell! Who wants to live in hell here on earth then live there for eternity?

NOT I said i!--anyone else?

If you belong to Jesus and are following Him, then you Must have the Holy Spirit Living in your heart. I hear from many people that really think they are saved and filled with the Holy Ghost--they are not--it would not be hard to obey Him if the Holy Spirit is living in them. They are living by Christian principles but they are not saved. Listen to those that claim to belong to Jesus-are they saying they are Saved or just living as Christians and following Christian principles? Examine yourselves!

So many people believe they can say they serve God and do what the world requires and that everything will be ok with it. God cannot be fooled nor will He be mocked.

Some people really better go to Him and see where they stand with Him--if i can see through the lies and foolishness that comes from the mouth which must come from the heart--how in the world do people think that God The ALL of ALLS cannot see and hear this!?

Who do they think they are fooling? Lord my Spirit pains for the people!

Trying to play with God--they are playing with satan!

These are a la carte Christians!
AND God is not an a La Carte God!
Lord Have Mercy!

And yes, of course I love all that He loves--but the truth is the truth for one and for all of His children. If I did not love Him i would never have the boldness to speak all this out to you--i would hide away scared of what any of you may think about me--but let me tell you this-- i don't.

I love what and who He loves. I do not wish to see any perish. The truth is in your house now--what say you!?

We are to Examine yourselves!! EVERYDAY!

Please make sure you click th links and read below the Teachings to study that will help you to Live by the Spirit of God which Lives within His people.
Spend Time With God in the Name of Jesus to Increase your relationship with Him!
It's not about religion at all--BUT your Relationship with The Father through His Namesake!

Galatians 5:14-26 (Amplified Bible)

14For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is [a]complied with in the one precept, You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself.(A)

15But if you bite and devour one another [in partisan strife], be careful that you [and your whole fellowship] are not consumed by one another.

16But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).

17For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit, and the [desires of the] Spirit are opposed to the flesh (godless human nature); for these are antagonistic to each other [continually withstanding and in conflict with each other], so that you are not free but are prevented from doing what you desire to do.

18But if you are guided (led) by the [Holy] Spirit, you are not subject to the Law.

19Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency,

20Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies),

21Envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,

23Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [[
b]that can bring a charge].

24And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires.

25If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit [
c]we have our life in God, let us go forward [d]walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.]

26Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.

Galatians 3 - 1 "O YOU poor and silly and thoughtless and unreflecting and senseless Galatians! Who has fascinated or bewitched or cast a spell over you, unto whom--right before your very eyes--Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was openly and graphically set forth and portrayed as crucified?
2Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the [Holy] Spirit as the result of obeying the Law and doing its works, or was it by hearing [the message of the Gospel] and believing [it]? [Was it from observing a law of rituals or from a message of faith?]"

Romans 4 - 1 "[BUT] IF so, what shall we say about Abraham, our forefather humanly speaking--[what did he] find out? [How does this affect his position, and what was gained by him?]
2For if Abraham was justified ([
a]established as just by acquittal from guilt) by good works [that he did, then] he has grounds for boasting. But not before God!"

~on feet of peace,

Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Oh my LORD, I am the least of them all. I am emptied and the enemy is attempting to use my circumstances against me-to cause me frustration and a sense of being overwhelmed-of being stuck-of thinking that I cannot go forward-that I am failing. I know Lord this is a tatic by the enemy-I am Not overwhelmed-I Am trusting myself in Your Hands and I know You Will Provide the Faith that I need to continue. I speak out my lack, my shortcomings, my inability to Do anything to 'fix' the situations and circumstances that I face. I am reminding You My LORD, that I cannot Do anything by myself
I know that my faith added with Your Unlimited Power are the Only 2 essentials that are needed- nothing else Will work! Amen.

"but she gave out of her poverty, put in all the livelihood that she had." Luke 21:4

Philippians 3:13-14 "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

My LORD, I know I am at a Bridge-You have led me to this bridge that once crossed, will set me in a Better Place of Your Divine Design. I know I cannot pitch a tent at the beginning of the bridge nor anywhere on the Bridge. A Bridge is for crossing over to get to the other side! My LORD, this particular Bridge is shrouded in fog and uncertainty that block my view of where it goes. Lord, I need the Faith and the Courage to continue with You, and in Jesus' name I recieve Your Help for All my need. I Gladly cross from being just a believer to the next level=an Overcomer!

You my LORD, desire to Be All to me-and I desire the same-So Be It! (Selah)

I Will NOT Be Afraid-I Will Keep growing in My Belief!

"Overhearing but ignoring what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear; only keep on believing. Mark 5:36

"I Will Run the course of Your comanndments, For You Shall Enlarge my heart!" Psalms 119:32

my LORD, I am in the belly of Your valley. Rich with the Blessings that You have provided. I release my hold of earthly treasures in order to have Free hands to take hold of what You are giving me For when I call You come to help in all that I need. Thank You Jesus.

I ask that you uncover my eyes and ears so that I may see You in every direction my eyes look and my ears hear. I am Your Church and I am being moved from one Glory to the next in Your name Jesus. I willingly suffer for You Jesus, to be a full partaker of Your Glory-there is no other Way to Follow You. I have been chosen by Your Love and I gladly accept the honor that You have granted to me.

"But I will sing of Your mighty strength and power; yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning; for You have been to me a defense (a fortress and a high tower) and a refuge in the day of my distress.” (Psalm 59:16)

Father God, I know that I must take time-often to Rest in Your faithfulness - this is important in the lives of Your followers. Your teachings instruct me that tiredness and physical strain will cause me to lose my consciousness of Your Presence. This will also cause my attitude toward You to change as Your light that banishes evil may seem to be withdrawn. Not by Your deliberate actions, but because I require Rest In Your Love. To pull myself away from the daily worldly hurriedness and confusion is a Must in order to Stay With You.

"God has spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God." Psalm 62:11

my Lord Jesus, I know that I will have to go through Your refiner’s fire and Your wine press—going from and through one season to the next as This is The Way You re-shape, correct, and re-mold us into who You Originally Designed me to be.
I hear You Father, one step at a time-one day at a time, And Your Will Shall Be revealed as I go. Yes Lord!
You have given me the Faith And the Courage I need to continue with You.
I know that I am thankful for this time And I will never cease to feel at peace and trustful And yet all without human security. Glory Be Unto You my Father.

I know this is the time of True Learning of trusting in You. You are growing me by Your Love And In Your Love. To Be Literally dependent on You as You continue to remove all human support or material help of any kind. This is the Only Way that Your power can become fully operative. I shall not trust in leaning on any crutch-as You cannot teach me or anyone who is trusting on a crutch. I want Your power to invigorate me and I shall indeed walk on toward victory. I will not limit Your power-for Your power is limitless. I will continue to trust in Your Wisdom, and to be more loving with my love And to be more generous with my generosity in Your name my Lord, Amen.

I will hold fast to the Hope and confess it from my heart, For You Are Faithful to keep Your Promises my LORD!

on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9