Luke 6:38 “ Give and It Will Be to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together And running over Will be put into your bosom. For With the same measure that you use, It Will be measured back to you.”
If you give pride filled and hate filled, judgmental words and action, false witness, selfish and self centered oppressive love; whatever you give in this manner will be given back to you. That is what you will receive back to your bosom. If you give from the Gifts of the Spirit, from the depth of the love, joy, and peace from within your heart; selflessness, light, truth and freedom, support and compassion, etc…; that is what you will receive unto your bosom from God.
Phil 4:6-7 “Do Not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in Every circumstance and In Everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), With thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God. And God’s Peace which transcends All understanding Shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
To REST in His Peace, His Love and to Abide in Him—many do not understand these commands given from His responsibility for us. Rest means to stop worrying, to stop ‘trying to figure out’ what you need to do in the natural, to stop trying to manipulate the situations and their circumstances by your own devices concerning your life.
Rest means to Trust by Faith in Him-Him that is More than Able to do whatever you need concerning your daily life. To Trust by Faith that everything He has planned Will happen on time—fully every time.
Heb 11:8 / Psalm 20:7 / Psalm 22:4-11
Heb 11:8 / Psalm 20:7 / Psalm 22:4-11
He has instructed us to Leave All behind And Follow Him.
This may mean material items that we have given power to over our lives, things that many feel hold their self-worth and value as a human. This also means people and certian jobs that are in His way for your Journey.
This outlook is based on worldly standards and not standards set forth by His Spirit. When His Spirit leads you-speaks to you to let certain things-objects that you own go, to let go of certain people in your life-He may tell you to leave your job for another one-Or, He may want you to leave your job and Work solely for Him. If you can and will obey when He speaks to you and let go of your hold and false strength in material things—giving them or throwing them away-this will be your sign to God that you are dedicated to and dependent on Him.
Too often people hear this request from Jesus to be only about material, natural things; Totally missing the depth of the message given. He also means to Leave Behind our pride, our self-sufficiency, our fears of what others may think, our ways of doing and thinking by fleshy and emotional ways. To leave behind carnal conditional love, our tired and weak cry of “what about me?”
This would be An Acceptable Gift to our Lord. To leave All behind every day and to follow Him every day in His Love.

Just as Abraham, who was urged by Faith ‘went’ even though he knew Not where God was sending him—so are we expected to do the dame, every time, every day. He beckons us to Come into the deep—to go forth into the unknown with Him (not alone), to be fearful about nothing—But by faith to trust in Him as He leads us down the narrow path.
To trust Him by faith is our tribute of Love given to Him; just as a child brings a flower to a parent as a show of love.
A gift of Love that is Acceptable is what Mary, sister of Lazarus gave when she broke open the alabaster jar and anointed Jesus with the valuable Spikenard oil. She knew the worth of the oil did not give her social standing higher than serving and loving her LORD. Give and It Shall be given unto your bosom!
Such a precious Love offering did she selflessly give-An Acceptable Gift that she Shared with Jesus. We can’t give up before we get it right. God is the God of many chances if desired by the heart to get it right!
Let each of us give to Jesus our love and understanding by obeying His request to leave everything behind and follow Him.
As we remove ourselves from worry and concern over our daily living—What shall we do with all this Free time? Delight ourselves in His Love! Live in the manifestation of His Kingdom-Live in the midst of the changes that His love does to one that willingly surrenders to completely be the New Person He says each of us is when we begin to Live in this fleshy body for Him.
As we remove ourselves from worry and concern over our daily living—What shall we do with all this Free time? Delight ourselves in His Love! Live in the manifestation of His Kingdom-Live in the midst of the changes that His love does to one that willingly surrenders to completely be the New Person He says each of us is when we begin to Live in this fleshy body for Him.
I encourage you to stop standing at the edge of the deliverance that you have prayed for and that He has provided to you. Allow faith to urge you to step into the deliverance that is so needed in your life. His Divine Love will change every area of our being one day at a time when we allow Him to do so. As you are urged by Faith to allow His love to turn you into Love, you will be able to claim the big and great Spiritual And natural promises-blessings that He has spoken over your life. His plans for your life will be revealed to your natural eyes.
Ask that He reveal all the knowledge that you possess but do not know that you posses it. (Take a moment to let that sink in).
So Much has been placed into us before we were born in this natural realm but all many people concentrate on is worldly knowledge and not the Spiritual knowledge from Heaven.
Share with Him All Acceptable Gifts! Joy in Him, Claim and receive His Joy, His Peace, and Freedom from daily cares.
Joy In HIM!
We must remember that Jesus is responsible for each of us that the Father has given to Him. He is the same today, yesterday, and for ever more. His thoughts toward us are loving, caring, protective, corrective. We are to call into being everything we need Spiritually and in the natural for our lives.
When you Joy in Him—you are trusting Him –you are sharing with Him all of your life.
See Him in everything—give to Him everything—include Him in your celebrations and in your sorrows. To include Him is to rejoice in Him—sharing All with Him just as a child shares their pains, disappointments, confusion, frustrations, their successes, their newfound knowledge and experiences with their loved ones.
By doing this–including Jesus, we are giving Him the Joy of sharing All with us!
1 John 4:7-9
7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is (springs) from God; and he who loves [his fellowmen] is begotten (born) of God and is coming [progressively] to know and understand God [to perceive and recognize and get a better and clearer knowledge of Him].
8 He who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love.
9 In this the love of God was made manifest (displayed) where we are concerned: in that God sent His Son, the only begotten or [a]unique [Son], into the world so that we might live through Him.
on feet of faith and peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
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