Friday, November 7, 2008


Isn't it a wonderful season to be alive in?
I know there are some that are going through trials and troubles, and may not feel the same about being alive right now.

And that is a topic for a different day.

Right now, I want to give God All the Glory and Honor that He is so deserving of in the name of Jesus!

I am still feeling the high from Americans electing a black man as president of the USA. I keep thinking about my grandparents and how much they worked for God to help so many people. They would have loved to cast their vote this past Tuesday. So I did it for them when I voted. I was born in '62, a time when so many jim crow laws existed--on top of just general hatred toward people of color. So many things came back to my mind about my own childhood and the many stories i've heard the older family members tell me as i was growing up.

We need to remember to stay grounded in times such as these. I've noticed even before the actual election and winning the seat happened, that many people seemed to be worshipping Obama. They may not realize- it but they are.

We should all be aware of our motives and the many truths that are being revealed -about ourselves also. Lifting a man up so high as if he is the one with the power instead of the vessel, is dangerous. He is not our Jesus. He has said so himself. And, I caution people not to start complaining because Obama may not get to the issue at hand for you right away.

He has a very large house to clean and it is filthy!

There is still much more trouble for this country to Get Through!

And I know that our main job--God's people--is to pray Obama's way and our way through and praise through to the victory that God has placed in our hands. Of course, doing the works that help the most, starting with the one closest to you.

We are at the begining of The Begining!

This is not really a place to stop and celebrate, lingering too long.

I can tell you with certainity, that satan has not stopped to celebrate our win--he jumped right back into his missions of; steal, kill and destroy as soon as he knew his evil plans had been re-made for our good.

Glory Always Belongs to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit In the name of Jesus, Amen! For everything Good that happens and everything bad that happens, we are to Glorify our Father!

"Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing."

Psalm 146:3-4

The point is that even the best of people are not adequate help in times of terrible stress.
Even princes (national leaders) are mortal, and are not able even to help themselves (118:9).
In contrast is the individual who finds ultimate help in God who lives forever (vv. 5-7).

Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999).
Nelson's new illustrated Bible commentary (Ps 146:3).
Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers

" I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."1 Tim 2:1-2


The idea of praying for kings (or national leaders) has a twofold emphasis.
First, it is a specific way to pray for all men, because the actions of a king affect society as a whole. Second, it reminds believers that God is the ultimate Sovereign.
He is in control, and our prayers affect decisions at the highest level.

Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999).
Nelson's new illustrated Bible commentary
(1 Ti 2:1-2). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.

Let us stay grounded firm in our foundations built in the Son of God. Our LORD and KING. God is not finished yet-remember, this is the Begining of The Begining!

Be well my sisters and brothers--we have a lot of work to do!

Make sure that you go to His Well to be re-filled! We are His vessels, and Yes, He is always remolding us, fireing us in the kiln and glazing us over in some of His best colors. He Will always keep us prepared, just dwell in His presence.

So many opportunities of opened doors awaits us, Shall We.



Felicity said...

May God guide like Joseph and Daniel.

wisdomteachesme said...

hello felicity=
hope all is well with you and it is good to hear from you.

Yes, if people look for HIm to lead them--He Will!